Amazon Trending Search Terms - Oct 16th 2023


Here’s this week’s list of rapidly trending search terms, insights and growth analysis.

Topic #1
Magnesium Citrate (Annual Vol 11.2M, +175% YoY)

Magnesium citrate is a type of magnesium supplement that combines magnesium with citric acid. It is commonly used as a laxative to relieve constipation because it can draw water into the intestines, softening the stool and promoting bowel movements. Magnesium supplements are all the rage on TikTok.

What’s Next

Any health trend lauded online as a one-stop shop for curing a laundry list of ailments should be viewed with a critical eye. But in the case of TikTok influencers promoting the use of magnesium, many nutrition experts are thrilled that the nutrient is finally getting more widespread recognition and so it can be implemented more regularly into diets.

Tiktok: 155M views, Youtube: 20M+ views, Instagram: 7000+ posts, Google Trends: 153K monthly searches.

Topic #2
Pickleball Paddles (Annual Vol 11.6M, +167% YoY)

In the last few years, a sport called pickleball has become super popular. It’s a mix of tennis, badminton, and ping pong, and lots of people, no matter how old they are or how good they are at it, are playing it. But why is pickleball getting so famous?

In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons behind its sudden rise in popularity. One big reason why people love pickleball so much is because it’s easy to get into. Unlike some sports that are tricky to learn or need special gear, pickleball is simple to start playing.

What’s Next

The court is smaller than a regular tennis court, the rules are easy to understand, and the paddles and balls are lightweight and easy to use. This makes it great for beginners who want to have fun playing the game right away. Hence Pickleball Paddles are trending!

Tiktok: 2.3M views, Youtube: 500K+ views, Instagram: 60,000+ posts, Google Trends: 45K monthly searches (+106% YoY)

Topic #3
Berberine Supplement (Annual Vol 10.7M, +1034% YoY)

Another day, another viral health trend. This time it’s a plant-derived weight loss supplement doing the rounds. Advocates say that taking it can help speed-up weight loss, with some comments on viral TikTok videos claiming that it's helped users shed up to 18lbs.

But what exactly is it and should you buy into the claims? In short, no. Social media is chock full of posts promising the next best weight-loss method.

What's Next

One of the latest trends is berberine, a bitter-tasting quaternary ammonia compound found in many botanical products, including goldenseal, barberry, and Oregon grape. Indeed, many on social media are calling berberine supplements "nature's Ozempic," in a comparison to the highly popular prescription drug semaglutide (also known as Wegovy and Rybelsus), used for the treatment of Type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Tiktok: 39M views, Youtube: 5M+ views, Instagram: 14,000+ posts, Google Trends: 12K monthly searches (+206% YoY)

Topic #4
Car Accessories For Women Interior (Annual Vol 2.6M, +1220% YoY)

Car accessories tailored for women have gained popularity due to changing societal norms and increased female car ownership. These accessories cater to style, comfort, and functionality preferences, allowing women to personalize their vehicles.

Additionally, safety and emergency kits designed for women's needs empower them to handle unexpected situations independently.

What's Next

Targeted marketing and influencer endorsements further contribute to the rising trend. As more women own cars and seek individuality in their vehicles, the demand for women-centric car accessories continues to grow, making them increasingly popular in today's automotive market.

Hashtag #girlycar garnered 47.2M views on TikTok recently. Tiktok: 100M+ views, Youtube: 6M+ views, Instagram: 2500+ posts

Topic #5
Bentgo Lunch Boxes (Annual Vol 2.3M, +1150% YoY)

It’s lunch-packing season again as our kids head back to school, and of all the words you could use to describe packing lunches, “fun” isn’t even in the top 10. Well, not for most of us, anyway – which is why we’re on TikTok searching out inspiration from those who do enjoy packing lunches.

And if you’ve been on social media at all, you’ve likely seen the brand name Bentgo floating around, because there’s no shortage of TikTok-ers who swear by them for their kids’ lunch boxes.

What's Next

The hashtag #bentgolunchbox alone has over 32 million views. There’s just something so satisfying about seeing the food so neatly arranged in tidy little compartments, making it look so appetizing that our kids might actually eat their lunch instead of pitching it in the nearest trash can.

Tiktok: 100M+ views, Youtube: 20M+ views, Instagram: 56,000+ posts, Google Trends: 12K monthly searches (+206% YoY)

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